Domain Registration
Net2Air registers domain names around the world. We have accounts with all the major providers and are used to registering domains almost anywhere. Some jurisdictions require you to have a local domain name (and website) before you can start trading – Net2Air can help. Registration of, and payment for, domain names are both subject to our Terms and Conditions. In addition, those registered in the UK, and particularly those ending ‘.uk’, are also registered subject to a contract between
you and Nominet, details of which can be found here. Registrations of domains outside the UK may be subject to other Terms and Conditions. Links to the appropriate details are shown below. If you are in doubt as to which apply to you, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to help.
Domain Management
If you find that you are having to handle too many domains, Net2Air is happy to help. We will manage them for you and renew or release as you instruct. We can renew all domains automatically or renew them individually only on your instruction and we can provide you with summaries of them at any time. If you want a ‘get it and forget it’ approach, then we are happy to do that for you free of charge, but if you prefer to be involved, then that’s ok too – it’s entirely up to you.
Domain Registration
We normally register new domains for a two year term. UK domain names are registered with Nominet. They normally cost £8.00 per year and are subject to both the Net2Air Terms and Conditions, but also to the Nominet Terms and Conditions.
Non-UK domain names are registered with a variety of registrars around the world and prices vary between them, sometimes significantly. The most expensive that we are currently aware of is £242.00 a year.
We do not charge termination fees, however we do require notice in writing if you do not want us to renew your registration. We do not charge for cancellations, transfers or changes of details.
Domain Renewal
All domain renewals are reviewed frequently. We send reminder emails 7, 14, 28 and 60 days before the expiry date.
If your email address has changed and you fail to respond to our reminder emails as a result, Net2Air will assume that you do not wish to renew. Net2Air will take no responsibility for a renewal that fails as a result of an out-of-date contact email address.
Renewals are subject to both the Net2Air Terms and Conditions, but also to the Nominet Terms and Conditions.
We do not charge termination fees, however we do require notice in writing if you do not want us to renew your registration.
Domains Expiring
If there is no response to our reminder emails (see above), we shall assume that you do not want to renew your domain. After 30 days it will be suspended and will then go into a 60 day grace period during which you can still renew your domain name, subject to an additional redemption fee of £25.00 + VAT. If you want to ‘revive’ your registration in this way, then you must request it by email before the 80th day after your domain has expired. After 90 days, your domain will be cancelled completely and deleted from the register and made available for resale. Net2Air cannot guarantee the renewal of a domain name.
All renewals are subject to both the Net2Air Terms and Conditions, but also, for UK domain names, to the Nominet Terms and Conditions.